首页 » 教牧长执进深课程:林慈信博士主讲




日期:2010年 11月15–17日(周一至三) 备注:报到2pm
讲员:林慈信博士 (参页底的简介)
地点:Goodhope Hotel, SKUDAI,JOHOR
地址:No.1, Jalan Ronggeng 5, Taman Skudai Baru,81300 Skudai, Johor

 收费: 教牧 RM 240(区会代付 RM 80; 建议所属教会代付 RM 160)

长执 RM 240(区会代付 RM 80; 建议所属教会代付 RM 80; 个人 RM 80)

不留宿RM 100(区会代付 RM 30;剩余 RM 70如上均分)

(17/10月之后报名者,须多付RM 20 行政费)

 对象:全体长老会教 牧、长执及教会领袖



聚会地点:Goodhope Hotel, SKUDAI,JOHOR 地图

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林慈信牧師是中華展望的總幹事 (www.chinahorizon.org) ,中華展望是一個神學與護教學的教導事工。 林牧師畢業於賓州大學,威敏斯特神學院(道學碩士,神學碩士),和獲天普大學歷史系哲學博士,博士論文研究中國教會與中國知識份子「非基督教運動」的關係。林牧師被美國長老會(PCA,www.pcanet.org) 按立,曾在紐約市開拓教會和在芝加哥華人聯合教會任主任牧師。
林牧師先後在威敏斯特、聖約、維真、惠敦、宣道會、福樂、和亞洲各神學院任客座講師。目前在洛杉磯國際神學研究院(www.itsla.edu)任 歷史與系統神學正教授,并與家人定居洛杉磯。林牧師致力傳授改革宗教義、聖經神學、教會歷史、范泰爾的護教學、清教徒神學、與(亞當斯的)聖經輔導學;被唐崇榮牧師譽為「華人教會最貫徹改革宗(歸正)的思想家」。 目前 固定在華盛頓,洛杉磯,香港,檳城,吉隆坡,與新加坡等地舉辦神學課程。

BIODATA – Samuel Ling, Ph.D.
Rev. Samuel Ling is president of China Horizon (www.chinahorizon.org), a teaching ministry in theology and apologetics. Rev. Ling received his A.B. from the Universityof Pennsylvania; the M.Div. and Th.M. from Westminster Theological Seminary; and Ph.D. in history (church history) from Temple University. His doctoral dissertation dealt with the interaction of the church with the Anti-Christian Movement among China’s intellectuals. He is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America (www.pcanet.org), and did church planting in New York City, and served as senior pastor
of Chinese Christian Union Church in Chicago (1992-95).
He lectured in Westminster, Covenant, Regent, Alliance, Wheaton, Fuller, and other seminaries in Asia and North America, and is now a professor of historical and systematic theology at International Theological Seminary (www.itsla.edu). He is author of numerous articles and edited a number of books. Since 1997, he and his family live in Los Angeles.
His passion is in teaching doctrine; Biblical theology; church history; Van Til’s apologetics; Puritanism; and biblical (nouthetic) counseling. Rev. Stephen Tong calls him “the most consistent Reformed thinker in the Chinese Christian community.” Currently he and China Horizon conduct regular
courses in Washington DC, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.