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一八八六年五月 廿四日,阁约翰牧师北上到马来亚半岛南端的柔佛州新山设教。初期由於缺乏牧者,他只得邀请一位售卖圣经的弟兄协助主持。这位弟兄是由杜菲斯牧师 (Rev.Duffus)为他施洗。在此设教初期,承蒙在新加坡的伦敦宣教协会公理宗宣教士基斯柏理牧师(Rev.B.Keasberry)的女婿拿督明 里南(Dato James Meldrum)的大力协助,向当时柔佛州苏丹亚布峇加殿下(Sultan Abu Bakar)请准下,赐赠三英畝地。此地段即今日圣光堂之所在地。阁牧师担任摄理牧师,万贵伯先生为首任传道。第一间长老教会因此而诞生,开设火锯厂的拿 督明里南也提供了建堂所需的所有木料。

Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia - CMS Website - About-10

On 24/5/1886, Rev. Cook Started his church planting work in the Southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, ie in Johor Baru. Due to the shortage of pastors in the beginning, he invited a brethren selling bible to take charge of the church there. That brethren had been baptised by one Rev. Duffus. During the early stage of the church planting. Dato James Maldrum, who was the son-in-law of the then missionary of the London Missionary Society in Singapore Rev. B. Keasberry, requested for a piece of land for the church from H. R. H. Sultan Abu Bakar. That piece of land; measuring 3 acres, was the present site of the Holy Light Church ground. Rev. Cook was the Interim Moderator, while Mr Ban Quee Pek was the first preacher. The first Presbyterian Church was thus formed. and Dato James Meldrum who was a sawmill operator, donated many timber materials for the Church building.

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一八八六年五月 廿四日,阁约翰牧师北上到马来亚半岛南端的柔佛州新山设教。初期由於缺乏牧者,他只得邀请一位售卖圣经的弟兄协助主持。这位弟兄是由杜菲斯牧师 (Rev.Duffus)为他施洗。在此设教初期,承蒙在新加坡的伦敦宣教协会公理宗宣教士基斯柏理牧师(Rev.B.Keasberry)的女婿拿督明 里南(Dato James Meldrum)的大力协助,向当时柔佛州苏丹亚布峇加殿下(Sultan Abu Bakar)请准下,赐赠三英畝地。此地段即今日圣光堂之所在地。阁牧师担任摄理牧师,万贵伯先生为首任传道。第一间长老教会因此而诞生,开设火锯厂的拿 督明里南也提供了建堂所需的所有木料。

Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia - CMS Website - About-10

On 24/5/1886, Rev. Cook Started his church planting work in the Southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, ie in Johor Baru. Due to the shortage of pastors in the beginning, he invited a brethren selling bible to take charge of the church there. That brethren had been baptised by one Rev. Duffus. During the early stage of the church planting. Dato James Maldrum, who was the son-in-law of the then missionary of the London Missionary Society in Singapore Rev. B. Keasberry, requested for a piece of land for the church from H. R. H. Sultan Abu Bakar. That piece of land; measuring 3 acres, was the present site of the Holy Light Church ground. Rev. Cook was the Interim Moderator, while Mr Ban Quee Pek was the first preacher. The first Presbyterian Church was thus formed. and Dato James Meldrum who was a sawmill operator, donated many timber materials for the Church building.

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