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一九零一年一月 十七日,阁约翰牧师假其府上(No1.Gilstead Road)召开第一次会议,出席者包括来自中国的郑聘廷牧师,英国长老会宣教士阁约翰牧师,池约翰牧师(Rev.John Steal)和五位长老(陈光辉,李琼,黄才进,李娘生,林呢绸),议决通过成立大会,命名为“实叻坡长老大会”,并规定每年春季和秋季(上半年和下半 年)召开大会。

 In 17/1/1901 Rev. Cook called a meeting at his residence in No1, Gilstead Road. The meeting was attended by Rev. Tay Seck Tin from China, Rev. Cook from Presbyterian Church of England, Rev. John Steal and five elders (Chen Guang Hui, Li Qiong, Huang Mu Jin, Li Niang Sheng, Lin Ne Chou). The Meeting decided to form a Synod, called Singapore Presbyterian Church, and to call the Annual general assembly during spring time (first half year) and autumn time (second half year).

一九零一年一月 十七日,阁约翰牧师假其府上(No1.Gilstead Road)召开第一次会议,出席者包括来自中国的郑聘廷牧师,英国长老会宣教士阁约翰牧师,池约翰牧师(Rev.John Steal)和五位长老(陈光辉,李琼,黄才进,李娘生,林呢绸),议决通过成立大会,命名为“实叻坡长老大会”,并规定每年春季和秋季(上半年和下半 年)召开大会。

 In 17/1/1901 Rev. Cook called a meeting at his residence in No1, Gilstead Road. The meeting was attended by Rev. Tay Seck Tin from China, Rev. Cook from Presbyterian Church of England, Rev. John Steal and five elders (Chen Guang Hui, Li Qiong, Huang Mu Jin, Li Niang Sheng, Lin Ne Chou). The Meeting decided to form a Synod, called Singapore Presbyterian Church, and to call the Annual general assembly during spring time (first half year) and autumn time (second half year).