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一九三一年十一 月四日,大会在星加坡布连拾街侨生堂举行设教五十周年,大会成立卅周年感恩会,并出版“南洋中华基督教长老大会”纪念特刊,由当时大会书记庄济清先生担任 主编。同年,英国伦敦宣教协会调派在潮汕嶺东大会服务了廿年的汲多马牧师(Rev.T.C.Gibson)前来服务大会,安礼逊牧师也於同年由英长老会再 次受派加入大会事奉。

一九三一年至一 九四一年,大会先後设教於哥打丁宜(一九三一年真道堂),丰盛港(一九三一年丰盛港宣道所),笨珍(一九三三年乐恩堂), 巴罗(一九三三年仁爱堂), 峇吉里(一九三三年峇吉里宣道所), 巴冬(一九三六年巴冬堂), 哥打峇鲁(一九三八年吉兰丹长老会), 登加楼(一九四一年登加楼长老会), 占美(一九四一年占美宣道所)。

On 4/11/1931, the Synod celebrated its 50th year of Church planting at the Singapore Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church and 30 year of formation of the Synod. A commemorative journal named The Nanyang Chinese Presbyterian Church was published, and then Synod clerk Mr. Zhuang Ji Qing was the editor. In the same year, the London Missionary Society transfered Rev. T. C. Gibson who has served for 20 years in Swatow to the Synod. The England Presbyterian Church also sent Rev. Anderson to serve in the Synod.

From 1931 to 1941, the Synod planted more churches in Kota Tinggi (Truth Church in1931), Mersing (Mersing Preaching Station in 1931), Pontian (Joyful Grace Church 1933), Paloh (Jin Ai Church 1933), Bakri (Bakri Preaching Station 1933), Parit Jawa (Parit Jawa Church 1936), Kota Bharu (Kelantan Presbyterian Church 1938), Terengganu (Terengganu Presbyterian Church 1941), Chamek (Chamek Preaching Station 1941).

一九三一年十一 月四日,大会在星加坡布连拾街侨生堂举行设教五十周年,大会成立卅周年感恩会,并出版“南洋中华基督教长老大会”纪念特刊,由当时大会书记庄济清先生担任 主编。同年,英国伦敦宣教协会调派在潮汕嶺东大会服务了廿年的汲多马牧师(Rev.T.C.Gibson)前来服务大会,安礼逊牧师也於同年由英长老会再 次受派加入大会事奉。

一九三一年至一 九四一年,大会先後设教於哥打丁宜(一九三一年真道堂),丰盛港(一九三一年丰盛港宣道所),笨珍(一九三三年乐恩堂), 巴罗(一九三三年仁爱堂), 峇吉里(一九三三年峇吉里宣道所), 巴冬(一九三六年巴冬堂), 哥打峇鲁(一九三八年吉兰丹长老会), 登加楼(一九四一年登加楼长老会), 占美(一九四一年占美宣道所)。

On 4/11/1931, the Synod celebrated its 50th year of Church planting at the Singapore Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church and 30 year of formation of the Synod. A commemorative journal named The Nanyang Chinese Presbyterian Church was published, and then Synod clerk Mr. Zhuang Ji Qing was the editor. In the same year, the London Missionary Society transfered Rev. T. C. Gibson who has served for 20 years in Swatow to the Synod. The England Presbyterian Church also sent Rev. Anderson to serve in the Synod.

From 1931 to 1941, the Synod planted more churches in Kota Tinggi (Truth Church in1931), Mersing (Mersing Preaching Station in 1931), Pontian (Joyful Grace Church 1933), Paloh (Jin Ai Church 1933), Bakri (Bakri Preaching Station 1933), Parit Jawa (Parit Jawa Church 1936), Kota Bharu (Kelantan Presbyterian Church 1938), Terengganu (Terengganu Presbyterian Church 1941), Chamek (Chamek Preaching Station 1941).