一九四一年十二 月八日太平洋战争爆发,日军南侵马来亚和新加坡,在沦陷期间,所有在新马的西差会宣教士均被囚禁在新加坡漳宜监狱,其中有不少是宗派的领袖,包括长老宗的 魏道伯牧师(Rev. Robert Greer)和汲多马牧师,新马卫理公会安伯和会督(Bishop Hobart B. Amstutz)和新马圣工会威廉逊主教(Bishop Leonard Wilson)等三大宗派领袖, 他们在一起灵修,祷告,認罪和感谢, 在圣灵的光照下, 彼此内心里孕育着促进宗派教会合一的理念,他们更在上帝面前许下诺言, 若蒙上帝保守生命,能平安离开监狱,就要同心合办一所综合性的神学院,以负起造就本地人才和促进教会合一的使命,这意念促进了一九四八年十月四日新加坡三 一神学院(Trinity Theologial College)的成立, 地点位於新加坡智慧山七号(7,Mount Sophia),卫理公会会督安伯和博士担任首任院长, 新马长老会,卫理公会和圣公会也成为该院的创办和合伙的宗派。
日军统治期间的三年零八个月,大会也遭受了惨重的人力损失,就马来亚方面来说,蔴坡三一堂的郑文炳, 郑明月和罗文渔长老等均被杀害。一九四四年一月十四日, 来自中国的郑聘廷牧师息劳主怀,享壽七十三岁。
On 8/12/1941 was the outbreak of the Pacific War. During the Japanese Invasion of Malaya and Singapore, all the western missionaries in Singapore and Malaya were imprisoned in the Singapore Changi Prison. Some of these were the Leaders of the various denominations, including Rev. Robert Greer and Rev. T. C. Gibson of the Presbyterian Church, Bishop. Hobart B. Amstutz of the Methodist Church of Singapore and Malaya and Bishop Leonard Wilson of the Singapore-Malaya Anglican Church. During their imprisonment, they had quiet time, prayer, confession and thanksgiving together. Under the revelation of the Holy Spirit, it was nurtured in their mind the need of unity among the denominations. They had also promised before God that if God preserved their lives and let them safely out of the prison, they would together set up an integrated theological college, to nurture local talents and to promote unity of the church. The idea led to the setting up of the Singapore Trinity Theological College on 4/10/1948, situated at No 7, Mount Sophia. Bishop Hobart B. Amstutz of the Methodist Church became the first principal, Singapore-Malaya Presbyterian Church, Methodist Church and the Anglican Church became the founding partners of the TTC.
During the 3 years and 8 months of Japanese rule, the Synod suffered great loss among its personel. Just in Malaya alone, Elders Tay Bun Peng, Tay Beng Guat and Lo Bun Gu of Muar Trinity Church were killed by the Japanese. In 14/1/1944, Rev. Tay Seck Tin returned to be with the Lord at the age of 73 years.
一九四一年十二 月八日太平洋战争爆发,日军南侵马来亚和新加坡,在沦陷期间,所有在新马的西差会宣教士均被囚禁在新加坡漳宜监狱,其中有不少是宗派的领袖,包括长老宗的 魏道伯牧师(Rev. Robert Greer)和汲多马牧师,新马卫理公会安伯和会督(Bishop Hobart B. Amstutz)和新马圣工会威廉逊主教(Bishop Leonard Wilson)等三大宗派领袖, 他们在一起灵修,祷告,認罪和感谢, 在圣灵的光照下, 彼此内心里孕育着促进宗派教会合一的理念,他们更在上帝面前许下诺言, 若蒙上帝保守生命,能平安离开监狱,就要同心合办一所综合性的神学院,以负起造就本地人才和促进教会合一的使命,这意念促进了一九四八年十月四日新加坡三 一神学院(Trinity Theologial College)的成立, 地点位於新加坡智慧山七号(7,Mount Sophia),卫理公会会督安伯和博士担任首任院长, 新马长老会,卫理公会和圣公会也成为该院的创办和合伙的宗派。
日军统治期间的三年零八个月,大会也遭受了惨重的人力损失,就马来亚方面来说,蔴坡三一堂的郑文炳, 郑明月和罗文渔长老等均被杀害。一九四四年一月十四日, 来自中国的郑聘廷牧师息劳主怀,享壽七十三岁。
On 8/12/1941 was the outbreak of the Pacific War. During the Japanese Invasion of Malaya and Singapore, all the western missionaries in Singapore and Malaya were imprisoned in the Singapore Changi Prison. Some of these were the Leaders of the various denominations, including Rev. Robert Greer and Rev. T. C. Gibson of the Presbyterian Church, Bishop. Hobart B. Amstutz of the Methodist Church of Singapore and Malaya and Bishop Leonard Wilson of the Singapore-Malaya Anglican Church. During their imprisonment, they had quiet time, prayer, confession and thanksgiving together. Under the revelation of the Holy Spirit, it was nurtured in their mind the need of unity among the denominations. They had also promised before God that if God preserved their lives and let them safely out of the prison, they would together set up an integrated theological college, to nurture local talents and to promote unity of the church. The idea led to the setting up of the Singapore Trinity Theological College on 4/10/1948, situated at No 7, Mount Sophia. Bishop Hobart B. Amstutz of the Methodist Church became the first principal, Singapore-Malaya Presbyterian Church, Methodist Church and the Anglican Church became the founding partners of the TTC.
During the 3 years and 8 months of Japanese rule, the Synod suffered great loss among its personel. Just in Malaya alone, Elders Tay Bun Peng, Tay Beng Guat and Lo Bun Gu of Muar Trinity Church were killed by the Japanese. In 14/1/1944, Rev. Tay Seck Tin returned to be with the Lord at the age of 73 years.