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一九四五年八月 廿日军投降, 战后百业待兴, 一九四七年郭景云牧师提倡自立运动,以四年推动“培植人才,储款任才”两项计划, 并呼吁众教会積极响应,为落实此计划, 大会以每畝二百廿元买下笨珍二百一十八英畝的椰园, 聘请黄金泉长老为经理,许洁成先生和陈锦榜长老协助,椰园成为大会经济命脉,由於往后缺乏经济之故,此椰园先后被分割出售,一九七五年仅剩一百一十六英 畝。

On 20/8/1945, the Japanese surrendered, leaving a lot of rebuilding works to be done. In 1947, Rev. Quek Keng Hoon started the movement of church independence. Two programmes, ie, nurturing of pastoral staff and economic independence were promoted for four years. The programmes were well supported by all churches. To fulfill the above objectives and programmes, the Synod bought 218 acres of coconut plantation in Pontian at the price of 220 dollars per acre. Elder Ng Kim Chuan was appointed as manager, and assisted by Mr. Koh Kiat Seng and Elder Tan Gim Pang. The coconut plantation became the source of finance for the Synod. However, due to constraints of finance, the Synod was forced to sell off parcels of land, resulting in only 116 acres left by 1975.

一九四五年八月 廿日军投降, 战后百业待兴, 一九四七年郭景云牧师提倡自立运动,以四年推动“培植人才,储款任才”两项计划, 并呼吁众教会積极响应,为落实此计划, 大会以每畝二百廿元买下笨珍二百一十八英畝的椰园, 聘请黄金泉长老为经理,许洁成先生和陈锦榜长老协助,椰园成为大会经济命脉,由於往后缺乏经济之故,此椰园先后被分割出售,一九七五年仅剩一百一十六英 畝。

On 20/8/1945, the Japanese surrendered, leaving a lot of rebuilding works to be done. In 1947, Rev. Quek Keng Hoon started the movement of church independence. Two programmes, ie, nurturing of pastoral staff and economic independence were promoted for four years. The programmes were well supported by all churches. To fulfill the above objectives and programmes, the Synod bought 218 acres of coconut plantation in Pontian at the price of 220 dollars per acre. Elder Ng Kim Chuan was appointed as manager, and assisted by Mr. Koh Kiat Seng and Elder Tan Gim Pang. The coconut plantation became the source of finance for the Synod. However, due to constraints of finance, the Synod was forced to sell off parcels of land, resulting in only 116 acres left by 1975.