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自从一九六五年 星马和平分家,成为两个独立的国家,大会基于政治,地理和行政等三大因素,实有必要分设成两个大会。大会自第一百廿七届年议会(一九七一年)至第一百廿九 届年议会(一九七三年),历经三届年议会热烈讨论後,在第一百卅届年议会中(一九七四年三月十八日在新加坡禧年堂举行),通过於一九七五年一月一日,正式 分为星马两个长老大会。当时出席年议会的议员共五十八位,举手赞成的有四十四位。该年议会也通过以下三项提案:


(二)为维持两 大会之联系,发展共同事工,并促进彼此间之合作,两大会成立联会。联会由两大会会正,书记,财政及二位常委组成(一位教牧,一位长老)。联会主席和文书由 两大会会正和书记共同担任,联会每年至少开会一次,联会设财务,海宣,法规,英语及文字五组,各组由两大会各派四人组成之。


Since the separation of Singapore and Malaysia in 1965,it has necessary that two synods be established, taking into consideration political, geographical and administration factors. The Synod discussed about this matter for three consecutive annual general meetings , e.g. from the 127th AGM(1971)to 129th AGM(1973)and in the 130th AGM in Singapore in 18/3/1974,it was resolved that with effect from 1/1/1975,there shall be two Presbyterian Church, one in Singapore and one in Malaysia. The delegates attending the AGM that year totaled 58 peoples and the resolution was supported by 44 people. The AGM also passed three other resolution ,Viz,

1. Financial Arrangement.

In Malaysia, all income from properties in Malaysia and profits from sales of properties within Malaysia went to Malaysia Presbyterian Church. The same applied be that of properties in Singapore. As for cash in bank accounts and fixed deposits, this was distributed by the property committee to the two Synod, after cleaning all debts at as at 31/12/1974.

2. In order to maintain the Link between the two Synod, and to promote common ministries and cooperation, the two Synod, shall form a joint committee. The joint committee consisted of the moderators, clerks, Treasurers and two executive committee members(one minister and one elder)from each Synod. The chairman and the clerk of the joint committee shall be the moderator and clerk of the respective synod. The joint committee shall meet at least once a year. The joint committee shall form subcommittee on finance, mission, constitution ,English works and Literature works, and each subcommittee shall consist of four representative from each synod.

3. Representation in the Board of Governors of the Trinity Theological College this shall be represented by the respective moderator and two other representation from each synod . As for the Singapore Bible College, the board shall be represented by one representation from each synod. Since its establishment in 1881, the history of the Malaysia Presbyterian Church came to an end:31/12/1974,after a period of 93 years.

自从一九六五年 星马和平分家,成为两个独立的国家,大会基于政治,地理和行政等三大因素,实有必要分设成两个大会。大会自第一百廿七届年议会(一九七一年)至第一百廿九 届年议会(一九七三年),历经三届年议会热烈讨论後,在第一百卅届年议会中(一九七四年三月十八日在新加坡禧年堂举行),通过於一九七五年一月一日,正式 分为星马两个长老大会。当时出席年议会的议员共五十八位,举手赞成的有四十四位。该年议会也通过以下三项提案:


(二)为维持两 大会之联系,发展共同事工,并促进彼此间之合作,两大会成立联会。联会由两大会会正,书记,财政及二位常委组成(一位教牧,一位长老)。联会主席和文书由 两大会会正和书记共同担任,联会每年至少开会一次,联会设财务,海宣,法规,英语及文字五组,各组由两大会各派四人组成之。


Since the separation of Singapore and Malaysia in 1965,it has necessary that two synods be established, taking into consideration political, geographical and administration factors. The Synod discussed about this matter for three consecutive annual general meetings , e.g. from the 127th AGM(1971)to 129th AGM(1973)and in the 130th AGM in Singapore in 18/3/1974,it was resolved that with effect from 1/1/1975,there shall be two Presbyterian Church, one in Singapore and one in Malaysia. The delegates attending the AGM that year totaled 58 peoples and the resolution was supported by 44 people. The AGM also passed three other resolution ,Viz,

1. Financial Arrangement.

In Malaysia, all income from properties in Malaysia and profits from sales of properties within Malaysia went to Malaysia Presbyterian Church. The same applied be that of properties in Singapore. As for cash in bank accounts and fixed deposits, this was distributed by the property committee to the two Synod, after cleaning all debts at as at 31/12/1974.

2. In order to maintain the Link between the two Synod, and to promote common ministries and cooperation, the two Synod, shall form a joint committee. The joint committee consisted of the moderators, clerks, Treasurers and two executive committee members(one minister and one elder)from each Synod. The chairman and the clerk of the joint committee shall be the moderator and clerk of the respective synod. The joint committee shall meet at least once a year. The joint committee shall form subcommittee on finance, mission, constitution ,English works and Literature works, and each subcommittee shall consist of four representative from each synod.

3. Representation in the Board of Governors of the Trinity Theological College this shall be represented by the respective moderator and two other representation from each synod . As for the Singapore Bible College, the board shall be represented by one representation from each synod. Since its establishment in 1881, the history of the Malaysia Presbyterian Church came to an end:31/12/1974,after a period of 93 years.