一九八四年四月 十五日,大会位于波德申的别墅举行奉献感恩礼。当日除本宗教牧和各区代表外,新加坡长老大会会正,台湾基督长老教会三位牧师(汤孟宗牧师,洪伯宗牧师,吴 和隆牧师)也参与盛典。此别墅承蒙香港中华基督教会乐捐港币廿万元,伦敦世界传道会(Council for World Mission)捐献二万英磅,新加坡佳音合唱团莅临峇株救恩堂献唱筹获九千馀元,全部装修扩建费共马币卅八万零吉。大会於同年在新邦令金开设荣美堂,聘 请施德清牧师(当时为传道)前往牧会。大会也於同年实行重新注册要求属下众教会登记为会员。
同年十一月十一 日,大会假峇株救恩堂举行成立十周年庆典暨第十届年议会。当时大会属下堂所共五十二间(廿八间堂会,廿四间宣道所),会友约五千名,这也是大会自一九七五 年星马分设为两个大会後的第一次统计。在庆典中也分发金牌和银牌于服务大会廿年或十年以上的同工。会後席开廿二桌,款待来宾。在迈向廿一世纪的未来,大会 订下二千年宏愿:百间教会,万名会友,让众教会向这目标努力。
On 15/4/1984,the Synod held a dedication and thanksgiving service for the bangalow house in Port Dickson. Other then the ministers and representatives from the presbyteries, others who attended the above service included the moderator of the Singapore Presbyterian Church and three ministers from the Taiwan Presbyterian Church (Rev. Tang Meng Zong, Rev. Hong Bo Zong, Rev. Wu He Long). The bangalow was bought with the donation of 200,000 HK. dollars from the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Church, 20, 000 from the Council for World Mission, RM9000 raised via the presentation by the Singapore evangelistic choir at the Batu Pahat Saving Grace Church. The total cost including renovation and extension was RM380,000. In the same year, the Synod started the Glory Church in Simpang Rengam, and oppointed Ps. See Teck Cheng (at that time, he was the preacher) to be the pastor there. The Synod also implemented the registration of the church as member of the Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia.
On 11/11/1984, the Synod held the 10th anniversary celebration of GPM and 10th Annual General Assembly at the Batu Pahat Saving Grace Church. At that time, there were a total of 52 Churches and 5000 members under GPM (28 churches and 24 preaching stations), That was the first statistics done for the GPM after the separation in 1975. At the anniversarycelebration, pastoral workers serving the GPM more than 20 years and 10 years were given gold medals and silver medals respectively. The celebration was followed by reception (22 tables). As we approached the 21st Century, the Synod set the target for year 2000, ie. 100 churches and 10,000 members to be implemented by the member churches.
一九八四年四月 十五日,大会位于波德申的别墅举行奉献感恩礼。当日除本宗教牧和各区代表外,新加坡长老大会会正,台湾基督长老教会三位牧师(汤孟宗牧师,洪伯宗牧师,吴 和隆牧师)也参与盛典。此别墅承蒙香港中华基督教会乐捐港币廿万元,伦敦世界传道会(Council for World Mission)捐献二万英磅,新加坡佳音合唱团莅临峇株救恩堂献唱筹获九千馀元,全部装修扩建费共马币卅八万零吉。大会於同年在新邦令金开设荣美堂,聘 请施德清牧师(当时为传道)前往牧会。大会也於同年实行重新注册要求属下众教会登记为会员。
同年十一月十一 日,大会假峇株救恩堂举行成立十周年庆典暨第十届年议会。当时大会属下堂所共五十二间(廿八间堂会,廿四间宣道所),会友约五千名,这也是大会自一九七五 年星马分设为两个大会後的第一次统计。在庆典中也分发金牌和银牌于服务大会廿年或十年以上的同工。会後席开廿二桌,款待来宾。在迈向廿一世纪的未来,大会 订下二千年宏愿:百间教会,万名会友,让众教会向这目标努力。
On 15/4/1984,the Synod held a dedication and thanksgiving service for the bangalow house in Port Dickson. Other then the ministers and representatives from the presbyteries, others who attended the above service included the moderator of the Singapore Presbyterian Church and three ministers from the Taiwan Presbyterian Church (Rev. Tang Meng Zong, Rev. Hong Bo Zong, Rev. Wu He Long). The bangalow was bought with the donation of 200,000 HK. dollars from the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Church, 20, 000 from the Council for World Mission, RM9000 raised via the presentation by the Singapore evangelistic choir at the Batu Pahat Saving Grace Church. The total cost including renovation and extension was RM380,000. In the same year, the Synod started the Glory Church in Simpang Rengam, and oppointed Ps. See Teck Cheng (at that time, he was the preacher) to be the pastor there. The Synod also implemented the registration of the church as member of the Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia.
On 11/11/1984, the Synod held the 10th anniversary celebration of GPM and 10th Annual General Assembly at the Batu Pahat Saving Grace Church. At that time, there were a total of 52 Churches and 5000 members under GPM (28 churches and 24 preaching stations), That was the first statistics done for the GPM after the separation in 1975. At the anniversarycelebration, pastoral workers serving the GPM more than 20 years and 10 years were given gold medals and silver medals respectively. The celebration was followed by reception (22 tables). As we approached the 21st Century, the Synod set the target for year 2000, ie. 100 churches and 10,000 members to be implemented by the member churches.