

On 24/5/1886, Rev. Cook Started his… 1886

Ordination of Preacher Sea Chong Hwa

[:zh]谨订于主历2019年3月23日(六)上午10:00AM按立谢忠华传道为牧师典礼[:en]Ordination of Preacher Sea Chong Hwa on 23rd March 2019 (Sat) at 10:00am[:]

Aletheia University Scholarship

[:zh]台湾真理大学提供本会子弟10份全免奖学金。[:en]Taiwan Aletheia University offers 10 comprehensive scholarships for GPM students.[:]

Ordination of Preacher Daniel Wong Kah Bin

[:zh]谨订于主历2018年6月9日(六)上午10时正于麻坡活水堂举行按牧典礼。[:en]The ordination to be held at Living Waters Presbyterian Church on 9th June 2018(Sat) at 10:00am.[:]

Ordination of Preacher Teong Chong Peng

[:zh]谨订于主历2018年5月12日(六)上午10.00AM于长老会永平堂举行按牧典礼。[:en]Ordination to be held at Yong Peng Presbyterian Church on 12th May 2018 (Saturday) at 10:00am.[:]

Dedication Service

[:zh]柔佛新山 Miral Community Centre 献堂礼拜,10.09.2017。[:en]Johor Bahru Miral Community Centre Dedication Service, 10.09.2017.[:]